AgentX - welcome free use and any feature suggestion

Hey TAAFT fam, we recently launched 1.0 and are keen to get any feedback and suggestions for improvement. If you’d like to see any new feature, plz let us know!

AgentX ( provides an easy solution for creating and publishing AI agents, such as chatbots or GPTs, specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of each business, such as customer service, marketing, and internal knowledge base. AgentX also offers Enterprise solutions to provide easy AI tools to company accounts. FREE plan available for all.


:whale:Free access to ChatGPT 4, Gemini Pro, Claude 3, AI image generation, AI video generation

:whale:Build the most reliable chatbot with no hallucination & minimal human intervention

:whale:Train it with your knowledge and give it tools to use

:whale:Generate business leads and integrate with Zapier

:whale:Create high-quality images and video clips

:whale:Publish to multiple channels with a breeze

:whale:Explore more on “Agent Space”

:star2: Precise Response: RAG (retrieval augmented generation) powered response with no hallucination.

:brain: Intention Detection: Set triggers based on detecting user’s intention.

:rocket: Lead Generation and Conversion: Capture leads and get notified in email.

:robot: Multi-model: Pick your favorite AI model such GPT4, Gemini, Claude2, or Image generation.

:books: Knowledge: Extensive embedding knowledge base from the web or documents of your choice.

:earth_africa: Deployment and Integration: Deploy your agent to website, Discord, Agent Space, and more.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Real-Time Analytics: Gain insights into real-time lead and interaction analytics.